Saturday, June 29, 2013

The Heat

Tonight was great!  I went to dinner at the Brook with my bestie and a group of her friends.  

I forgot to take pics, but this is a pic of my bestie,
Maria, and my awesome friend, Amber.  Look at how
many people were at the theater!  (Just kidding, this is a
 pic of them at a Red Hot Chili Peppers concert!)
Then we went to see The Heat.  The previews looked so good, but I was pleasantly surprised that the movie far surpassed the previews.  Nicely done, Hollywood.  I hate it when producers try to sucker me in to buy tickets to a movie with a great trailer.  If they can make a good trailer, why not just go that extra mile and make a great movie?  Eh-hmm, that being said, this was a great movie for girls night, date night and even a good teen/mom night.  The language is pretty spicy, so if you shield your teen from that kind of language then maybe not a teen/mom night.

Alexandra is still away at her GIS technology camp
Alexandra, Hannah, Hawana, Jessica and Dominique
at the Tulsa Zoo during GIS TECH camp at TU.
and from all the posts she's made on Facebook, I know she's having a great time (even though her page is occasionally hijacked by some of her friends).

Derek had a chance to spend time with his bestie, Clay.  It's a rare time that they get to hang out, because Clay moved to Dallas with his family a few years back.  I don't know what went on over there, but Derek came back all grins and gaffaws.  (I almost said giggles, but I think Derek would object on grounds that giggles aren't manly.)

Overall, a great summer night had by all.